Welcome to High Mountain Pollinators & Bees

Join us as we dive into the amazing world of bees and their crucial role in our environment. We're thrilled to have all passionate bee lovers and dedicated beekeepers join our community!

High Mountain Pollinators & Bees is a nonprofit organization that provides educational opportunities for beekeepers and those wanting to establish and protect pollinator habitat.  Based in western Wyoming and serving the eastern Idaho and western Wyoming areas, the organization focuses on beekeeping at higher elevations and areas with severe winter conditions.  We support pollinator habitat that benefits the pollinator species found in the central Rocky Mountains.

High Mountain Pollinators & Bees provides monthly educational events for its members, often bringing in expert presenters to share their knowledge with attendees.  During the summer months (April-October) these events are held at a local apiary where participants can work with actual bee hives, handling frames of bees and gaining a better understanding of high elevation beekeeping.

High Mountain Pollinators & Bees will frequently be asked by elementary school classes and youth groups to come teach their students about beekeeping and native pollinator species.  We will teach the students the role that pollinators play in nature, show them examples of basic beekeeping equipment, and frequently bring an observation hive containing live bees where the students can watch the bees at work.  They learn about the biology of honey bees, are shown the three types of bees that are found in a hive, and get to taste honey that was produced in the region that they live.

"Close-up of a honeybee gathering nectar from a vibrant sunflower, surrounded by purple coneflowers and additional sunflowers in the background. The bee is in focus, with its fuzzy body visible against the bright yellow

Our Mission

A group of beekeepers diligently at work in an open apiary on a sunny summer day. The focal point is a male beekeeper clad in a full beekeeping suit, proudly displaying a hive frame teeming with honey bees.

As a nonprofit organization, High Mountain Pollinators & Bees is passionately committed to advancing the welfare of bees and other pollinators. Our mission is two-fold: to deliver top-tier education for beekeepers and the broader community, and to champion the development of pollinator habitats.

Through a rich tapestry of workshops, seminars, and resources, we equip beekeepers with the knowledge and tools necessary to thrive in their craft while instilling a deep-seated reverence for these vital creatures. Moreover, we fervently advocate for the creation of thriving environments that sustain and nourish all pollinators, vital guardians of our ecosystems.

At High Mountain Pollinators & Bees, we stand at the vanguard of education and conservation efforts, driven by an unwavering dedication to the well-being of bees and the invaluable role they play in our world.

Often it is the lack of something that drives change…..

Our Services

A close-up view of a traditional white beehive set on a table, bathed in sunlight on a vibrant day. The focal point of the image is the bustling activity of bees clustering around the hive's entrance, diligently crafting honeycomb.
A beekeeping smoker rests atop the back of a side-by-side ATV, surrounded by various other beekeeping tools and equipment arranged in the vehicle's bed. The smoker, is a vital tool used to calm bees during hive inspections.

Become A Member!

Become a member of High Mountain Pollinators & Bees and unlock exclusive benefits such as access to equipment rentals, exclusive events, and valuable educational resources to enhance your beekeeping experience.

A female beekeeper demonstrates hive components at a fair booth, showcasing a hive box filled with frames and honeycomb, as well as several beekeeping tools, such as the hive tool and beesuit.

Support Pollinator Habitats & Ecosystems!

Donate to preserve natural bee habitats for future generations. Your contribution fuels research, conservation, and education for sustainable change. Every donation makes a meaningful impact, sustaining ongoing efforts immediately. Join us in safeguarding the future. Thank you for your support!

Beekeepers in action at an open aviary, extracting capped frames of honey from beehives amidst a flurry of bees, with a scenic mountain backdrop.


At High Mountain Pollinators & Bees, we are dedicated to supporting our local beekeeping community through monthly events designed to elevate their skills and knowledge.

Our gatherings offer an opportunity for beekeepers to come together, learn from experts, and engage in hands-on demonstrations to improve bee habitats and foster thriving colonies. Each event features insightful guest speakers who share valuable insights and best practices.

Our aim is to not only educate beekeepers but also to provide them with the necessary resources and tools to succeed in their endeavors.

We take pride in our strong community of local beekeepers and are committed to creating an environment where knowledge is shared, and skills are honed for the benefit of bees and the ecosystem as a whole.

Sign up for our newsletter, follow us on Facebook and our blog to stay up to date on the latest events and activities!

Support Us!

Support Us!

High Mountain Pollinators & Bees: Protecting Nature's Vital Workers

Dedicated to safeguarding bees and other pollinators' crucial role in the ecosystem through conservation, research, and education. Bees are vital for pollinating plants essential to our food supply and ecosystem stability; we're committed to fostering sustainable environments for them. We are excited to continue education and supporting our local community in all things bees.

Your Impact
Join us or donate to support preserving vital pollinator habitats, sustainable beekeeping, and educating future generations about their importance.

How You Can Help

  • Join as a Member: Receive project updates, volunteer opportunities, and event invitations.

  • Make a Donation: Fund critical research, conservation programs, and educational outreach.

Together, We Can Make a Difference
Join us in protecting essential pollinators and preserving ecosystem balance. Your support ensures a sustainable future for bees and the natural world.This effort is about tiny things that we don’t think about often. We can learn from them. We need to look closer and understand.